Krisztián Bócsi a Berlin-based freelance photographer, was born in Hungary in 1974. He studied photojournalism and has a Master's Degree in visual anthropology, museology, and as a teacher of visual culture from the Univerity of Miskolc (2001).

Krisztián regularly works on assignments for Bloomberg News. His work has been published by National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The New York Times, Fortune, The Washington Post, Time, Geo, Vanity Fair,  Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Handelsblatt, Le Monde, and Le Figaro amongst others. 

He has received several awards for his work. Just to mention a few:

 VG Bildkunst photography grant (2021) Hungarian Cultural Found photography grant (2021), Wellcome photography grant - shortlist (2020), Rückblende- German press photo - special prize (2019),  Rückblende- German press photo - first prize (2017), Moholy-Nagy photography grant (2012), Goethe Institute Istanbul grant (2010), City of Strasbourg grant (2008), Transatlantic Culture Exchange-Credit Suiss Masterclass (2004).

His works have been exhibited in Berlin, Budapest, Bruxelles, Cluj Napoca, Istanbul, Lubmin, Miskolc, and Strasbourg.

He is available for assignments, feel free to request.
